Cloud is a method of storage and working via an internet connection. It eliminates the need for costly servers and is also space saving as well. The need to save space for ‘home’ workers can be a priority consideration.
There are many cloud services available open for public renting and use – services provided by technology giants including but not limited to Google, Microsoft and Amazon, alongside numerous smaller companies, who seek to compete on similar grounds.
The Cloud is capable of delivering trillions of computations by the second, by spreading processing tasks between sizeable groups of servers that are networked together.
At present several organisations are setting up their own Cloud systems. For example IBM have launched “Blue Cloud”.
For SME’s the advantages can be very distinct. The major considerations are savings in costs, time and storage. As it is possible to subscribe to ‘pay as you go’ subscriptions this makes it manageable in terms of business growth or shrinkage.
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